Problem Feet

We can help...


Problem Feet

Corns and Callus

Treat your feet...

If you’re suffering with foot pain, have nail problems or hard skin, corns, verrucae or ingrowing toenails, then a visit to Absolute Health should get you back on your feet in no time!

Our qualified chiropodists or foot health practitioner can address your foot health difficulties, providing one-off or regular treatment. Diabetic foot checks are available when needed.

Chiropody treatment will ensure your toenails are cut and filed professionally, callus and corns removed leaving your feet feeling more comfortable and your step lighter.

We can provide biomechanical assessments to check if your foot function needs improving and can prescribe orthotics, made to fit your foot. Off the shelf insoles are also available.

Absolute Health offers a range of foot care creams including heel balm, fungal nail treatments and wart removal.


1st session - £46
Follow-up sessions – £36


1 hour consultation - £65


Custom orthotics - £280
Basic insoles - £80

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